
A Summary and Presentations of the ESSIAL Final Infoday

The Final Infoday of the ESSIAL project took place on the 11th of July at UniLaSalle in Amiens, France. During this special event the coordinator of the project alongside some partners gave presentations regarding the results of ESSIAL, and on site visit were proposed. 

During the morning session, dedicated to the presentations, Olivier Maloberti coordinator of the project presented the general and specific objectives of the whole project during its four and half-year of implementation. This introduction was followed by more specific presentations on some of the more promising project outcomes:

  • The first part was related to the implementations of the results for power electronics inductances and transformers. On this aspect, Julien Dupuy (Multitel) spoke about the laser processes and the laser treatment. Jesús Castillo (Andaltec) underlined how plastic-metal laser welding can improve magnetic sheets assembly and presented disassembly methods. Finally, Johan Bleumers (EREA) explained the technology developed in the project in the case of transformers. 
  • The second part focused on application method for demonstrators and electrical machines. Préscillia Dupont and Maxime Ployard from Jeumont Electric took over this part since they were in charge of the construction of prototypes for the project. They thus presented laser treatment adapted to rotating electrical machines, laboratory scale prototypes and industrial scale prototypes.


During the afternoon two of the ESSIAL partners, the University of Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) and UniLaSalle, gaves access to their laboratories. The visit started at the Laboratory of Reactivity and Solid State Chemistry (LRCS), a Joint Research Unit of the CNRS and the UPJV on energy storage and conversion. Then, some prototypes developed within the ESSIAL project were shown at the UniLaSalle facilities. 

If you're interested about the presentations you can download them just below: