
Workshop UPJV: Modification of the behaviour of electric steel by laser texturization

In order to present the ESSIAL results to the universities students, the University of Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) will propose a workshop on the Friday 1st of July 2022. This event will be the occasion to discuss the modification of the behaviour of electrical steel by laser texturization. The workshop will take place online from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm


  • Electrical Steel - Generalities : Physical and Magnetic Properties : Olivier Maloberti (UniLaSalle AMIENS)
  • Numerical and Experimental studies on the magneto-mechanical coupling in Electric steel : Elias Salloum (Mat ID)
  • Influence of the laser treatments on the surface morphologies of steel (engraving and texturizing): Julien Dupuy (Multitel)
  • Modification of the magnetic properties of electrical steels by surface laser treatment : Préscillia Dupont (Jeumont Electric, UniLaSalle)



This is a free event upon registration: